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There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast foods.
Days of the year

January 2025

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The short list I suppose
Wednesday. 9.3.08 11:14 pm
Elessar said this might be good for me.

We shall see.

The List of Secrets - short:

1) One of the main reasons that I never dress up or go that extra mile to look good everyday is because I worry that if I did that and no one complimented me I'd be crushed. If I were to put my best foot foward every day and nothing ever happened I don't know if my already tiny self esteem could handle that.

2) When my best friend was living with me this past summer in my old apartment we were really close. One of my favorite parts of the day was laying in bed while he was in the shower - listening to his music and to him singing. It's weird but I sometimes felt more close to him at that time than usual. I'd lay there and sing along looking at the patterns on my ceiling just thinking about things. It's still one of my favorite things about him and of my day. I think it's one of the things I'll miss most as well.

3) Last summer I had a crush on a girl in my Philosphy of Religion class. I am not generally attracted to women. I've had a few bad experiences from the other side of this and it has left a very poor impression on me. However, though this girl sat at the back of the class and never really said anything I would find myself turning back to look at her or waiting for her to walk into class. It was a little weird, but at the time i hadn't had a crush-like feelings in SO LONG that it was almost welcome. Had she talked to me I don't know what I would have done.

4) When I'm alone, I talk to my cat. I tell him all about my day and my thoughts about things. That in and of itself - not that weird. But, when I do do it, I talk to him in an accent. Usually a BAD impression of an accent - but still.

That's all for now - and it's stuff just off the top of my head.

Talking to your cat isn't so bad. I used to talk to my birds who chirped responsively. I also talk to my pillow. It's an ordinary pillow too so really I'm just talking to myself. (But that's just when I'm bothered by something.)
» yourcupoftea on 2008-09-04 12:17:00

Ahhh, I wanted to add more to that comment
When I speak to my birds, I ask them a simply question as if they are a magic eight ball. "What do you think, she's a cool chick huh?" *chirp* Then I can also have an extraordinary discourse ending with.. "You know, that could be what life is truly about, do you concur?" *chirp*

Uhm yes, I'm done.
» yourcupoftea on 2008-09-04 12:19:43

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